A commercial move is a massive undertaking with many factors to consider. You must find a new location that suits your needs much better than the location you’re leaving, arrange for commercial movers and have a plan in place for packing up your business for an efficient, smooth move. Mountain Movers Vancouver can help with accomplishing the smooth move you are hoping for, but there are other things to take into account.
One area you should give much consideration is the impact of your move on your customers. The moving process can be time consuming and can lead to problems that will leave your customers frustrated. Here are some things to consider:
Customer Access:
If your business location is one that your customers visit, there will be a period of time leading up to the move, during the move and after the move during which you will be less than polished and possibly more difficult to get to. Try to keep a clear access to the entrance of your business at all times and at least a small operating area within which will be packed up at the last minute. That way, you will show your customers that they are important and that you are making an effort to accommodate their needs.
For most businesses, a move will result in a period of technological downtime. Your computers and equipment will be disconnected, packed, transported and then set up again. In the meantime, your customers may have trouble reaching you. And if a server or vital piece of equipment is damaged, the downtime could be extended. Make sure to back up everything and test your backups before the move to ensure that you will be able to restore your company to business as usual quickly.
Informing Your Customers:
The best way to minimize the negative impact of your move on your customers is to make sure they are informed. Communicate with your customers via your website, social media accounts, voicemail system and on-site at your business in advance of your move. Update them on moving day and clearly define your scheduled business-as-usual day at your new location in all of your communications. Leave a notice at your old location for as long as possible after your move so that any customers who missed your notifications will not wonder where you have gone.
Moving your company will inevitably impact your customers and cause confusion, but good planning and effective notification will minimize the impact and demonstrate to your customers that you value their business.