
Hire Professional Moving Companies In Vancouver For Your College Move

By admin on 25 August 17 Latest News

Summer is winding down and college students are preparing to head back to their dorms and on-campus apartments. If you have an upcoming college move on the horizon, don’t go it alone; work with professional moving companies in Vancouver. Using reputable and experienced moving companies in Vancouver to transport items back to school can streamline the entire move process, minimize stress, and most importantly, ensure a student’s belongings get where they need to be safe.

Of course, hiring professional moving companies in Vancouver isn’t the only step to take to make the process easier and less stressful. Following a few other important tips can also help ensure your college move is as convenient as possible. These tips include:

Consult With Roommate(s)

As a college student, you probably have a limited amount of space, making it critical that no one doubles up with some of the bigger items that will go into the living quarters. Contact your roommates as soon as possible to discuss who is bringing what (think heavy items like kitchen appliances, furniture, wall hangings, etc.) to eliminate the chance of the dreaded “doubling up” on things you only need one of in your room/apartment.

Plan Ahead

Once you know what you’re bringing, it’s important to plan ahead on the items that should go with your moving companies in Vancouver. Put together an outline of items in advance to give your movers a heads up on what will be expected from them come moving day.

Get (And Stay) Organized

After you’ve made a plan for the big items, it’s time to start thinking about all the smaller items you will want to bring with you. Create a checklist to help you stay focused and organized as you begin packing up the things you won’t use before arriving on campus. Be sure to label all boxes so your movers know where things will go during the move.

Arrive Early

It’s no secret that college move-in day is, ahem, busy. Arriving on campus early before the throngs of other co-eds can make the entire move far more convenient. Work with your movers to get to your school as soon as possible for easier access to entryways, stairways, and even elevators to make the entire process easier.

Contact Mountain Movers today to plan your back to school move!

Moving Companies North Vancouver