
Beyond Professional Movers In Maple Ridge: How To Make Your New House Feel Like Home

By admin on 25 August 17 Latest News

If you have an upcoming move in Maple Ridge, you already know that relocating you and your loved ones requires coordinating a lot of details and events. The first step in any successful relocation should be hiring professional movers in Maple Ridge. A reputable crew of movers in Maple Ridge will streamline the moving process, minimize stress, and ensure you and your belongings safely arrive at your new address.

Beyond Professional Movers In Maple Ridge: Settling In At Your New Address

Once your team of movers in Maple Ridge leaves, the real work begins as you attempt to make your new house actually feel like a home. Follow a few simple tips to help make the settling in process as easy as possible:

Play Music

Pack your portable speaker in a separate bag for easy access once you arrive at your new place. Make setting up your speakers and playing music your first priority. Playing tunes you love will instantly relax you, make unpacking seem less stressful, and help your new home start to feel more familiar.

Unpack Big Things First

Don’t waste time assembling a million new smaller items; instead unpack the big, already assembled belongings that came with you from your last home. Think furniture, lamps, wall hangings and other larger possessions that will instantly define the space and make it seem more familiar.

Start With The Bathroom

Resist the urge to start unpacking your kitchen first; begin in the bathroom. Get out all your toiletries, set up your medicine cabinet and put up your new shower curtain to really help make your new home feel comfortable.

Make Your Bed

Even if you never make your bed again…make it the first night you sleep at your new place. Getting your bedding situated will help relax you as you begin unpacking other items in your bedroom.

Unpack Photos

Finally, keep photos of family and friends in a well-marked box so it’s easily accessible on move day. Placing your favorite pics around your new place plays a key role in helping you feel comfortable and relaxed in your new surrounding.

If you’re looking for professional movers in Maple Ridge, Mountain Movers can help. Contact us today for a no risk consultation.

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